cash reserve ratio

What are the Key Objectives Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)?

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The Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) is a monetary policy tool used by central banks to control the money supply in the economy. The CRR is the percentage of total bank deposits that banks are required to hold as reserves in cash with the central bank. The main objective of CRR is to regulate the money supply and inflation in the economy.

The CRR is an important tool for central banks as it helps them control the amount of money in circulation in the economy. When the central bank increases the CRR, the banks are required to hold a higher percentage of their deposits in reserves, thereby reducing the amount of money available for lending and spending in the economy. Conversely, when the CRR is lowered, banks have more money available for lending, which leads to an increase in spending and economic growth.

Key Objectives of the CRR

One of the key objectives of the Cash Reserve Ratio is to control inflation. When there is excess liquidity in the economy, it leads to an increase in prices of goods and services, which results in inflation. By increasing the CRR, the central bank can reduce the amount of money available for lending, which in turn reduces spending and inflation. This helps maintain stable prices in the economy.

Another key objective of the CRR is to maintain financial stability. Banks are required to hold a certain amount of reserves to ensure that they have enough liquidity to meet their obligations in case of a financial crisis. By setting the CRR at an appropriate level, the central bank can ensure that banks have enough reserves to mitigate the risks of a financial crisis.

How CRR Affect the Economy

In addition, the CRR can also be used to control borrowing costs in the economy. The CRR is closely linked to the repo rate, which is the rate at which the central bank lends money to commercial banks. When the CRR is increased, banks have to hold more reserves, which reduces the amount of money available for lending. This, in turn, leads to an increase in borrowing costs, as banks have to charge higher interest rates to compensate for the reduced liquidity.

The CRR also has an impact on the availability of credit in the economy. When banks are required to hold more reserves, they have less money available for lending, which leads to a reduction in the availability of credit. This has a direct impact on the housing loan market, as housing loans are a key driver of credit growth in the economy. Higher CRR can lead to lower availability of credit for housing loans, which can lead to a slowdown in the housing sector.


In conclusion, the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) is an important monetary policy tool used by central banks to regulate the money supply and inflation in the economy. The key objectives of CRR include controlling inflation, maintaining financial stability, controlling borrowing costs, and regulating the availability of credit in the economy. While the CRR has a direct impact on the housing loan market, it is important to note that it is just one of several factors that influence the availability of credit for housing loans. Therefore, it is important for borrowers to consider all factors, including interest rates, loan terms, and credit scores, before taking out a housing loan.

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